Showing category "Health" (Show all posts)

Health risks while using computers?

Posted by sarwar hossain on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, In : Health 

Using computers for long hours may cause eye problems and spinal cord problems. Some of the common health risks in using computers are Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Stress/Strain Injury (RSI). Pain from shoulders to fingers, numbness, numbness at the wrist, Shivering and shaking while holding objects in hands, Waking up often during nights are also problems faced by some computer users. The main symptom of CTS is the pain in the hand muscles. Pain, straightness, swelling, numbne...

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Biometrics Security

Posted by sarwar hossain on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, In : Health 

We have seen in James Bond movies that doors can be opened by giving voice copmmands. In some hollywood movies, you would have seen thumb impressions are used to open doors. All these are nothing but Biometrics.

Think of these scenarios.

  1. You go to a bank to withdraw money. You fill up the withdrawal form, sign it and give it to the bank clerk. Your signature is used to verify your identity
  2. You are shopping using your credit cards. While paying the photograph on the credit cards and the signature...

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What is CTS and RSI?

Posted by sarwar hossain on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, In : Health 

Health risks while using computers?

Using computers for long hours may cause eye problems and spinal cord problems. Some of the common health risks in using computers are Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Stress/Strain Injury (RSI). Pain from shoulders to fingers, numbness, numbness at the wrist, Shivering and shaking while holding objects in hands, Waking up often during nights are also problems faced by some computer users. The main symptom of CTS is the pain in the hand muscles. P...

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